Tuesday 24 December 2013

Trying to tell you a love story

I can't describe in language this feeling, 
no, this sense of being. 
Humor me and forgive me for trying.
I'm going to make up words and write a picture that perhaps only I can see
There is this completedness
An understanding of myself when you look into me, when you see me
I conquer my fear and I see you right back.
You give me the courage to make the long journey into myself...and back again. No fear of losing you in the process. 
Moving into you and still within my own rhythm.When we dance time and energy expand
And as our universe is created and challenged
By the very nature of our life force...
There is still equilibrium.
And there is time...with equal desire and distance that draws us in and sets us free. I've never been so ready to jump. So on the edge for you and yet so at ease. Its been a year of learning to trust my wings. 
There is only this commonplace phrase:
I love you
Words ...just simple words
But inside, this heart of mine is as torrential as a meteor show in August. 
No, it's like a volcano erupting
when I feel those words
...I guess I'm just hot for you ;)

Sunday 15 December 2013

Wisdom and her cousins.

I asked for wisdom, and She made me wait. 
So I called upon Patience and she told me to be quiet.
And my noisy mind kept talking me out of a silent resolve...
So Spirit stepped in and said be still.
But my heart races too fast and I am always forging ahead...
So Wisdom, Patience and Spirit observed my hasty rebellion and offered nothing but Burnout as advice. 
And in the end...when strength fails, i cried out to God and Soul comes to minister to my weary heart. This is where I meet Spirit and practice stillness. 
In my stillness, I am finding the courage to wait..to trust.  And it's peaceful.
And in the peace of patience, my heart communes with God, and I am looking back at Wisdom's imprint on my Spirit.